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Congratulations to the WA Mental Health Awards 2021 Winners
The winners of the Western Australian Mental Health Awards 2021 were announced last night at an awards ceremony attended by representatives across the mental health sector.
These important awards celebrate individuals and organisations that made an outstanding contribution to mental health in the 2020 calendar year.
Workshop for the development of a Peer Workforce Framework
We’re conducting a ‘All of Stakeholder In the Frame’ Lived Experience (Peer) workshop on Tuesday 30 November 2021 from 10am – 5pm
Survey Opens - Neuropsychiatry Disability Service in WA
In order to assist the Mental Health Commission in developing specialised neuropsychiatric treatment services, we are seeking your input via a online survey. The survey is open until 1 December 2021.
Announcing the WA Mental Health Award finalists
The annual WA Mental Health Award finalists have been announced! Congratulations to all the finalists. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony to be held on November 25.
Wellbeing Survey - tell us what keeps you well
An online survey asking Western Australians to have your say about what you need to stay mentally healthy was conducted in October-November 2021 as part of community consultation to develop a new WA Mental Health Wellbeing Framework.
A record $1.114 billion investment in mental health, alcohol and other drug services
The 2021-22 WA State Budget has been handed down by the Treasurer, with a record $1.114 billion investment in mental health, alcohol and other drug services in Western Australia. This is an increase of 10.9% from the previous budget.
Consultations open for the Youth Step Up Step Down, Youth Long-term Housing and Support Program and Youth Psychosocial Packages
To support implementation of the YPPA, the State Government committed to establishing a number of new youth services over the next four years. To assist in the establishment of new services over the coming months a range of consultation activities are being undertaken by the Mental Health Commission
Statutory Review of the Mental Health Act (2014)
The Mental Health Commission is undertaking a Statutory Review of the Mental Health Act (2014) (the Act) to examine the operations and effectiveness of the Act, what is working well, and where improvements to treatment, care and support could be made.
Statewide Personality Disorders Model of Care Report Launch
On Tuesday, 20 July 2021 a launch event for the Statewide Personality Disorders Model of Care Report was held at the Mental Health Commission to officially recognise the final Report and all who contributed to its development.
Youth Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Homelessness Service: Consultation report
In March 2021 the Mental Health Commission (MHC) held a consultation process to inform the model of service for the long-term Youth Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Homelessness Service.