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Next Step Drug and Alcohol Service transitions to EMHS
The Next Step Drug and Alcohol Service has now transitioned from the Mental Health Commission to East Metropolitan Health Services.
MHAOD Strategy consultation wraps up
The Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategy 2025-30 consultation has wrapped up after six weeks of collecting feedback across Western Australia.
Suicide prevention grants on offer to help improve mental health and wellbeing
The Mental Health Commission is providing $1 million in grant money for local initiatives to address the impact of suicide across Western Australia.
Western Australian Eating Disorders Framework 2025-2030 launched
Western Australian Eating Disorders Framework 2025-2030 launched to boost prevention and early intervention for eating disorders.
Campaign to reduce under-age drinking shows positive results
Evaluation results for the latest Alcohol, Think Again campaign have shown a positive impact on parents with adolescent children asking for alcohol.
Expression of Interest for membership on the Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board
The Mental Health Commission is facilitating an Expression of Interest to support the Minister for Mental Health in appointing an additional five members to the AODAB.
2024 Mental Health Award winners announced
Eleven winners were awarded for their outstanding contributions to the WA mental health sector at the WA Mental Health Awards last night.
New Mental Health Ambulance service launched
The State Government has invested $7.9 million towards the first-of-its kind ambulance co-response service for WA.
New nitrous oxide regulations now in effect
New regulations to protect people from the harmful effects of nitrous oxide (NO2), known as ‘nangs’ have been introduced today.
New withdrawal service opens in the Kimberley
The State Government has opened the first-of-its kind Aboriginal community-controlled withdrawal service in Kununurra.