Next Step Transition Project

The Next Step Drug and Alcohol Service is being transitioned from the Mental Health Commission to the East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) to increase integration between hospital and community-based services and deliver best practice care and treatment to the WA community. The expected date of transition is Monday 18 November 2024.

A Project Steering Committee is working through the transition elements, service functions and workforce requirements to ensure there is a smooth transition.

Once under the management of the East Metropolitan Health Service on 18 November, the service will sit under the governance of the Hospital Logistics and Acute Access Division within the Royal Perth Bentley Group.

Next Step will remain a state-wide service.

As of Monday 9 September 2024, EMHS commenced sending offers of employment to Next Step staff.

Project information

The transition will be phased over four stages:

Initiation - Establish governance structures, define scope and project teams.

Planning - Provision of information, workshops to build context and understanding of Next Step and develop transition plans for the following six workstreams of Commercial and Legal; Finance; Governance; Performance and Systems; Workforce; and Strategy and Culture.

Transition - Enact transition plan.

Post Transition and Closure - Finalise the transition and conduct a formal evaluation and lessons learned process and handover project to business as usual and closure.

For more information email



Last updated 09 September 2024

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