National Reform - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
The The National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement came into effect on 8 March 2022 after it was signed by the Commonwealth Treasurer and several jurisdictions. Western Australia signed the agreement on 27 April 2022.
The Bilateral Schedule on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention: Western Australia was signed by the Western Australian Minister for Mental Health on 10 April 2022.
The Bilateral Schedule will result in a $61.5 million investment in WA for mental health and suicide prevention over four years from 2022-23. Funding will be directed to:
- A Child Health and Wellbeing Hub
- Statewide Aftercare Services
- Eating Disorder Services in the East Metropolitan Health Service.
The Bilateral Schedule sets out the requirement for the Joint Service Planning and Governance Committee (the Committee) to be established. The Committee is one of the Western Australia’s key priorities to progress regional planning and commissioning. It will provide high level leadership regarding local system planning, contributing to the reform of the mental health, alcohol and other drug system in Western Australia.
The Committee is comprised of the following membership:
- Commissioner, Western Australian Mental Health Commission (Co-Chair)
- First Assistant Secretary – Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Division, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (Co-Chair)
- Chief Executive Officer, WA Primary Health Alliance
- Executive Manager, Public Health and Continuous Quality Improvement, Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia
- Group Manager, Social Policy and Programs Group, National Indigenous Australians Agency
- Claire Timmel, Lived Experience representative – Consumer
- Margaret Doherty, Lived Experience representative – Family/carer
- Chief Executive, East Metropolitan Health Service – Mental Health Executive Committee representative
- Chief Executive Officer, WA Association for Mental Health – Community Mental Health and Other Drug Council representative.
The Committee formed in September 2022 and is meeting six weekly to progress the implementation of the Bilateral Schedule.
The Productivity Commission’s (PC) Report into the role of improving mental health to support economic participation and enhancing productivity and economic growth in Australia, was publicly released in November 2020.
In May 2021, the Federal Government released their response to the PC Report, alongside the Federal Budget 2021-22 in its Prevention Compassion Care National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan. The Plan is informed by the lived experiences of everyday Australians and the advice and recommendations from the Productivity Commission and the National Suicide Prevention Adviser - Final Advice.
For any enquiries, please email:
Last updated 4 October 2022