Live chat and online forums

Live chat

Live chat services can provide you with access to counselling or advice straight from your computer in real time.

We recommend you don't use these in times of crisis - for urgent assistance call a helpline, or attend an emergency department.

Alcohol and Drug Support Service Live Chat (Monday – Friday 7.30am – 9pm. Sat 9am – 7pm. Sun 11am – 6pm.  WA time)

Beyond Blue online chat (24/7)

Youth Beyond Blue online chat (24/7)

Lifeline Crisis Support Chat (24/7)*

eheadspace (12 to 25 year olds) (9am to 1am Eastern Standard Time)*

Butterfly Live Chat (eating disorders) (8am to midnight AEST)*

Crisis text service

Lifeline Crisis Text Service (24/7) Text 0477 13 11 14

Online forums

Online forums allow you to get support from others who are affected by mental illness and share similar experiences.

Sane Australia forums*

eheadspace group chat sessions (12 to 25 year olds)* online forums (14 to 25 year olds)*

Beyond Blue online forums


* These services are not funded by the Mental Health Commission.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Provide us with feedback

Please note we cannot provide advice or counselling through this form. Please call a helpline for advice.

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