Getting help
- Helplines
- Live chat and online forums
- My Services online directory
- GPs, psychologists and psychiatrists
- Community support and treatment services
- Residential mental health services
- Residential services for alcohol and other drugs
- Hospital mental health, alcohol and other drug services
- Diversion support programs
- Advocacy services and peak bodies
- Making a complaint about a service
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- What happens when I call a helpline?
- Your health and wellbeing
Training and events
Training for professionals
- Alcohol and other drug training
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) training
- Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy (CPOP) Training
- Mental health training
- Ways of Working with Aboriginal people
- Prevention training
- Prevention Network
- AOD Webinars
- Online learning
- Special training events
- Drug Education Support Service worker training
- Training for volunteers
- Strong Spirit Strong Mind Aboriginal Programs
- Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Training
- Events
- Other training organisations
Training for professionals
Reports and resources
- Reports
- Find resources
- Mental Health resources
- Alcohol related resources
- Drug related resources
- Health professional resources
- Workplace mental health
- Resources for schools
- Diversion resources
- Local government resources
- Resources for Liquor Licensees
- Aboriginal culturally secure resources
- Resources in different languages
- Research Ethics and Governance
About us
- About us
- Our structure
- Office of Alcohol and Other Drugs
Strategic direction
- The Plan 2015 - 2025
- WA State Priorities Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs 2020-2024
- Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022
- Western Australian Methamphetamine Action Plan
- The Western Australian Mental Health Promotion, Mental Illness, Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Plan 2018-2025
- Key Access and Inclusion Plans
- Alcohol and Other Drug Advisory Board
- Individual Advocacy Review
- Budget commitments
Major projects
- Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2025-2030
- Western Australian Eating Disorders Framework 2025-2030
- Next Step Transition Project
- WA Model for Violence Prevention Pilot
- Infant, Child and Adolescent System Transformation Program
- Immediate Drug Assistance Coordination Centre
- Early Warning System
- Mental Wellbeing Guide
Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Project
- The development of the Lived Experience (Peer) workforces Framework
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience-led Peer Workforce Guide
- Re-Orientation to Lived Experience (Peer) work training
- Intentional Peer Support (IPS) training
- A Lived Experience (Peer) Work course
- Certificate IV and Peer Work Skills Set Opportunities
- Lived Experience Peer Worker Handbook
- Lived Experience (Peer) supervision course
- Fidelity Criteria for Lived Experience (Peer) workforces’ Guest Speakers
- Peer Work Positives training
- Values Based Recruitment (VBR), operationalising the WA Lived Experience (Peer) Values package
- National Reform - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
- Implementation of the Workforce Strategic Framework
- NDIS In-kind Supports
- Enhancing suicide prevention, intervention and postvention
- Implementing the A Safe Place strategy
- Enhancing Alcohol and other Drug Services in the Kimberley
- Graylands Reconfiguration and Forensic Taskforce
- Young People Priorities for Action
- Alcohol and other drug crisis intervention model of service
- Community mental health Step Up / Step Down services
- Legislation
- Commissioning
- Independent bodies
- Sector governance
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Lived experience
Mental Health Network
- About the Mental Health Network
- Mental Health Network Governance and Strategic Alignment Project
- Mental Health Network News/Events
- What We've Done
- Eating Disorders Mental Health Network
- Forensic Mental Health Network
- Joondalup Wanneroo Region Mental Health Sub Network
- Multicultural Mental Health Network
- Neuropsychiatry and Developmental Disability Mental Health Network
- Older Adult Mental Health Network
- Rockingham and Kwinana Mental Health Network
- Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Network
- Personality Disorders Mental Health Network
- Youth Mental Health Network
News and media
News updates
- Thirty finalists have been announced for the 2024 WA Mental Health Awards today on World Mental Health Day.
- Lived Experience Advisory Group Expressions of Interest
- 2023 WA Mental Health Awards winners announced
- Expressions of Interest for Accommodation and Support Strategy Advisory Committee
- Inside the Drug and Alcohol Youth Service
- Methamphetamine Action Plan Taskforce announced
- National Drug Strategy 2017-2026 released
- The Plan- Two Year Update
- Expression of Interest – Community Co-Lead Position, Mental Health Network
- 2018-19 State Budget
- The Western Australian Mental Health Promotion, Mental Illness, Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Plan 2018-2025 released
- Albany community mental health step up/step down service opened
- New Engagement Framework and Toolkit to improve mental health and alcohol and other drug outcomes
- The Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022 release
- Full response to the Methamphetamine Action Plan Taskforce report
- 2019-20 State Budget
- The Plan Update for Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug services
- Report: Access to State-Managed Adult Mental Health Services
- New online directory to help make it easier to find support
- Western Australia’s first Recovery College a true collaboration
- Consumer and Carer Co-Review of the Community Support Program Area - Final Report
- Community Advisory Group appointed for alcohol and other drug crisis intervention
- Clinical Governance Review released
- WA State Priorities 2020-2024
- New Campaign encourages Western Australians to Be Positive. Be Connected. Be Active.
- New alcohol and other drug support service for health care professionals
- State and Federal mental health leaders join forces
- $56m boost to mental health and alcohol and other drug supports
- New Community Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Council to strengthen links
- New suicide prevention projects to help reduce risk
- New data shows most are not drinking at risky levels and less are using illicit drugs in Western Australia
- New governance committees get to work
- Launch of the WA Recovery College
- Western Australian Consumer Representation on the National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum
- A billion dollars for mental health, alcohol and other drug services
- WA Mental Health Awards 2020 finalists announced
- Western Australian Suicide Prevention Framework 2021 – 2025
- WA Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce Strategic Framework 2020-2025 Released
- WA the State of Wellbeing – Mental Health & AOD System Leadership Forum
- A new Prevention E-Learning Training Package is now available online!
- Young people at the forefront with release of YPPA
- New campaign to support parents launched, featuring 12 well-known Australians
- Launched: Revised AOD Diversion Program
- Evaluations now available
- New mental health service for the Midwest
- New Alcohol and Pregnancy Campaign
- New Goldfields mental health service opens
- Helping kids struggling with big gender issues
- Safe Havens launched
- New Consumer, Family, Carer and Community Paid Participation Policy
- Midland Withdrawal and Intervention Centre Opening
- Video celebrating our young people is online for Youth Week
- Services rally to help people affected by Tropical Cyclone Seroja
- New Safe Haven Opens at RPH
- Youth Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Homelessness Service: Consultation report
- Statewide Personality Disorders Model of Care Report Launch
- Statutory Review of the Mental Health Act (2014)
- YPPA Consultation Opens
- 2021-22 Budget Commitments
- Wellbeing Survey - tell us what keeps you well
- Announcing the WA Mental Health Award finalists
- Survey Opens - Neuropsychiatry Disability Service in WA
- Workshop for the development of a Peer Workforce Framework
- Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Consultation Survey
- Congratulations to the WA Mental Health Awards 2021 Winners (1)
- National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines released
- Consultation Report - Youth Step Up Step Down, Youth Long-term Housing and Support Program and Youth Psychosocial Packages
- Project Elevation – an art exhibition of work from young artists
- 2022-23 Budget Commitments
- EOI: Lived Experience Representatives for the ICA Taskforce Ministerial Oversight Committee
- Mental Health Commission hospital pilot to reduce alcohol-related harm
- EOI Lived Experience Representatives
- International Overdose Awareness Day
- Model of Service for Youth Long-term Housing and Support Program
- New AODAB Chair appointed
- Can you provide hope and support to other families?
- Opioids. Pain and Problems: Now and the Future
- EOI Lived Experience Member for MHEC and CMC
- The Western Australian Lived Experience (Peer) Workforces Framework
- World Kindness Day
- Mental Health Commissioner appointed to lead sector into the future (1)
- Agency Commissioning Plan released
- #StopTheViolence
- 2022 WA Mental Health Awards winners announced
- AOD 2023 Professional Development Training
- New President appointed to Mental Health Tribunal
- New campaign to reduce WA youth’s cannabis use
- 10 holiday tips for parents and families
- Upgrades to My Services
- EOI – Lived Experience of Suicide Summit
- Have your say - Lived Experience leaders' survey
- Stay Strong, Look After You and Your Mob
- Mental Health Commission grant supports LGBTIQA+ Western Australians
- Do you have Lived Experience of a Step Up Step Down service in WA?
- Strong Spirit Strong Mind 2023 Grants
- Calling all mining industry professionals
- New Mental Health Commissioner appointed for next five years
- Learn from alcohol and other drug prevention experts
- Community based Group Support Activities Services now available
- Budget commitments 2023-2024
- Learn about meaningful careers in mental health
- Semester 2 alcohol and other drug professional development training
- LGBTQI+ community grant recipients announced
- WA Mental Health Awards nominations now open
- New training for WA pharmacists in the provision of opioid dependence treatments
- Workshop brings together suicide prevention workers from across the State
- Expression of Interest for the Community Treatment including Emergency Reponses Project
- EOI for Clinical Capabilities Framework - Advisory Group
- New Alcohol and Other Drugs Community Prevention Service launches
- New national mental health bodies co-design opportunity
- Release of ICA Transformation Implementation Program Models of Care
- EOI Lived Experience members to join the Secure Rehabilitation and Recovery Unit Model of Service Working Group
- International Overdose Awareness Day 2023
- Government’s commitment to mental health, alcohol and other drug governance reforms
- New campaign encourages young adults to find their way to okay
- Have your say Head to Health Kids draft model of service
- EOI Lived Experience representative – Suicide Prevention 2025
- Mental Health Week kicks off
- WA Mental Health Awards finalists announced
- Expression of Interest for the Mental Health Research Implementation Planning Group
- New WA youth suicide sanctuary opens doors
- Connect through conversation during Perinatal Mental Health Week
- Specialist eating disorder service opens in Cockburn
- 40 new mental health beds at Fremantle Hospital underway
- Healthy Schools Program grant applications now open
- Stronger You Stronger Mob
- Join our Clinical Advisory Group
- Aboriginal organisation to lead new withdrawal service in the Kimberley
- Join our 2024 Volunteer Alcohol and Other Drug Counsellors' Program
- Have your say - Draft Scope of Service for the Youth Step Up Step Down Service
- Office of Alcohol and Other Drugs to be established
- Help us improve the Safe Haven cafes
- Strong Spirit Strong Mind Youth Project Community Grants
- More mental health support for children and adolescents
- Mental health care for children and adolescents to improve
- New nitrous oxide laws to help reduce health harm
- Expression of Interest for four Assistant Commissioner Leadership Roles
- Expression of Interest for the four Assistant Commissioner Leadership Roles
- Community Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (ICAMHS)
- Tabling of Statutory Review of the Mental Health Act 2014
- Budget 2024-2025 handed down
- International Nurses Day
- Drop-in and have your say on the Karratha Step Up/Step Down Service
- Men's Health Week
- Assistant Commissioners appointed to help improve mental health outcomes in WA
- Older Adult Mental Health Model of Service to be developed
- EOIs open for Peer Supervision Course
- Support boost for people experiencing FDV
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience-led Peer Workforce Guide
- The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience-Led Peer Workforce Guide (Guide) has launched
- Statement addressing release of psychosocial support report
- Have your say – Western Australian Eating Disorders Framework 2025-2030: Consultation Draft Priorities Paper
- 2023-24 Annual Report Now Available
- We’re recruiting for the roles of Contract Officer and Senior Contract Officer.
- Development of Outcomes Measurement Framework
- Expression of Interest - Lived Experience Psychosocial Support Service System Workshop
- Helping first responder workplaces improve mental wellbeing and prevent harm
- Registrations open for Peer Work Positives session
- A step forward for mental health services in Karratha
- Media
- Useful resources
- Editorial Policy
- Stakeholder Connect
News updates
- Working at the Mental Health Commission
- Contact us
Our services
Alcohol and Drug Support Service
- Alcohol and Drug Support Line
- Parent and Family Drug Support Line
- Meth Helpline
- Support Line Confidentiality Statement
- Live Chat with an alcohol/drug counsellor
- Support Line Confidentiality Statement (1)
- Parent Peer Support Volunteers (1)
- Alcohol and Drug Support Service - Client Charter
- Parent and Family Peer Support Groups
- Here For You
- Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service
- Our campaigns
- Strong Spirit Strong Mind Youth Project
Alcohol and Drug Support Service
- Accessibility