Development of the Plan

The Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025 (the Plan) outlines a comprehensive package of reforms to reshape the delivery of services to Western Australians with mental health, alcohol and other drug issues. 

A first of its kind for the State, the Plan sets a bold agenda to create a more connected, high quality and person-centred system focused on the provision of holistic care and support.

It provides a targeted and phased approach to investment over the next 10 years to deliver the optimal mix and level of services to meet the needs of the current and future population. This includes an increase in hospital beds and specialist care, a shift towards the provision of more services in the community and enhanced programs and strategies that prevent mental illness, reduce drug and alcohol-related harm, and that intervene early to reduce the development of serious illness. 

* The Mental Health Commission has made some minor amendments to the Plan to address a number of typographical errors identified in the document. Please note that only the PDF version has been updated – there will be no updates to the Accessibility versions and Interactive versions. The changes are in effect as of 20 March 2017 and can be found here.


The consultation process to inform the development of Plan was comprehensive, involving over 2,300 individuals and organisations. Expert Reference Groups were formed and online surveys, consultation forums, and individual meetings were undertaken to ensure all key stakeholders had an opportunity to contribute their experience, thoughts, opinions and ideas. 

The draft Plan was released on 3 December 2014 for a final consultation period, and was completed on 30 March 2015. This consultation process included 19 forums (10 in the metropolitan area and 9 in regional areas), an online survey, and over 60 written submissions. 

The links and documents below provide you with further information and detail with regard to the consultation undertaken and feedback received.

Consultation Summary Report

Consultation forum reports

  • Public Forum, 2 February 2015 
  • Prevention and Promotion Consultation Workshop, 2 February 2015
  • Community Treatment  Consultation Workshop, 13 February 
  • Rural Consultation Workshops.
  • Hospital Based Services Consultation Workshops, 13 February 
  • Specialised Statewide Services Consultation Workshop, 26 February 
  • Forensic Statewide Services, 26 February
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs Consultation Workshop, 12 March
  • Consumers, Carers and Families Consultation Workshop, 20 March 
  • Community Beds Consultation Workshop, 24 March
  • Community Supports Consultation Workshop, 26 March

Online survey raw data

Written submissions received

Plan video

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