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Mental Health Commissioner appointed to lead sector into the future

Published on 24 Sep 2020

Ms Jennifer McGrath has been appointed Mental Health Commissioner for the next five years. She will be responsible for driving the government’s efforts to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Western Australians, including suicide prevention and reducing alcohol and other drug harms.

Launch of WA Recovery College

Published on 15 Sep 2020

Mental Health Minister Roger Cook today (15 September 2020) officially opened the first state-wide WA Recovery College. The WA Mental Health Commission is very proud to bring this innovative approach in mental health recovery to help meet the needs of Western Australians....

New governance committees get to work

Published on 25 Aug 2020

Yesterday, Acting Mental Health Commissioner, Jen McGrath, chaired the inaugural meeting of the the new Community Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Council (CMC), with leaders from the community services sector and representatives of consumers and families/carers attending. Last week the inaugural Mental Health Executive Committee (MHEC) meeting was also held.

New data shows most are not drinking at risky levels and less are using illicit drugs in Western Australia

Published on 24 Aug 2020

Data from the latest National Drug Strategy Household Survey conducted in 2019 found more than four in five (82.8%) of Western Australians aged 14 years and over had followed the guidelines for avoiding lifetime harm (either not drinking or drinking less than two standard drinks per day).

New suicide prevention projects to help reduce risk

Published on 23 Jul 2020

The Mental Health Commission will be working to support local communities to develop and implement a region-by-region approach to Aboriginal suicide prevention in Western Australia, after it was announced by Deputy Premier and Minister for Mental Health Roger Cook today. An additional $4.79 million has also been allocated to programs to provide additional suicide prevention support to all Western Australians as part of the WA Recovery Plan.

New Community Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Council to strengthen links

Published on 17 Jun 2020

The Minister for Mental Health Roger Cook today announced a new Community Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Council will be established. The new Council will strengthen collaboration between the community services sector, government and consumers, carers and families.

$56m boost to mental health and alcohol and other drug supports

Published on 9 Jun 2020

Today Minister for Mental Health Roger Cook announced the investment of $56 million for mental health and alcohol and other drug services. The additional funding will create new community models of care, supporting at-risk and vulnerable groups.

State and Federal mental health leaders join forces

Published on 3 Jun 2020

The Western Australian Mental Health Commission has joined mental health commissions and leaders across Australia in issuing a Joint Mental Health Commissions and Leaders Communique in support of the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan.

New alcohol and other drug support service for health care professionals

Published on 28 Apr 2020

In response to COVID-19, the Minister for Mental Health Roger Cook last week announced the launch of a hotline to assist GPs and other front-line health professionals to provide treatment and support to patients experiencing alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues. The dedicated line for health professionals provides access to specialist clinicians for expert alcohol and other drug treatment advice.

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