Intentional Peer Support (IPS) training
The Mental Health Commission has partnered with Consumers of Mental health WA (CoMHWA) for the delivery of the Intentional Peer Support Program (IPS). IPS is an internationally recognised model of peer work rather than a formal peer ‘qualification’. It is a way of thinking about and inviting transformative relationships. Practitioners learn to use relationships to see things from new angles, develop greater awareness of personal and relational patterns, and support and challenge each other in trying new things. IPS training is used in community, peer support, and human service settings, emphasizing mutual learning and growth for creating transformative relationships. Find out more about IPS on their website:
CoMHWA is bringing IPS to Western Australia this June and November under a fully paid scholarship opportunity. Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open. Regional participants also encouraged to apply, noting travel subsidies will be considered once EOIs are received.
Key information:
Session One
Dates: Thursday 20th – Wednesday 26th June (not including the weekend)
Time: each day runs 9am – 5pm
Place: CoMHWA Training Room, 14/275 Belmont Avenue, Cloverdale
Session Two
Dates: Monday 4th – Friday 8th November
Time: each day runs 9am – 5pm
Place: TBC, Perth city location
You will need to be present for the full five days to complete the training.
Please send a short (250 words max) paragraph on how you will apply the IPS principles and/or tasks to your role and indication of which session you would prefer to attend, to Rebecca – before 5pm, Friday 7th June.
Please note there are limited places for the June session at this stage. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Rebecca.