Cert IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs (CHC43215)

RTO code: 50293  |  Qualification code: CHC43215

Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs (CHC43215) is a culturally secure training program and is designed for Aboriginal Alcohol and Other Drug Workers. 

Logo: Nationally Recognised Training

Initially the program will be offered to people that have completed the Certificate III in Community Services (CHC32015) delivered by the Mental Health Commission (or the equivalent units). The training aims to:

  • build on knowledge and skills in responding to drug and alcohol issues and related harms in Aboriginal communities.
  • provide information on mental health issues and co-occurring disorders.

Download the Expression of Interest here. 

For more information please visit Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs Training | Strong Spirit Strong Mind

Contact the Strong Spirit Strong Mind Aboriginal Programs on (08) 6553 0600 or email sssmap@mhc.wa.gov.au for more information.

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